Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Bestest Teachers's Day P.2

Now for Part 2 of my celebrations =)

My CSTD Sub-Slementary grrls brought me out to dinner @ Chom Chom!!

Was running super late, thank you grrls for ahving sooo much patience with me, this is the class who has to bear with my lateness the MOST, yes, the MOST really, due to their class days and times.. haha..
The sacred Tribal Circle of Pointed feet

And happy kids
Don't have much pics due to space constrain but really, we did GOOOOD...hhaha

Started off with dinner, with me being super late, they ordered Hokkien Mee for me. yes yes.. I ate the whole 4bucks worth... and then Rebecca & Jaslyn went to the "Toilet"... hmmmm...

Then came THE CAKE!!!
I swear, they sang the 'Happy Teachers' Day' Song so loud, I belive half of Chom CHom knew my name..
And oh.. if any of you wants the lyrics to this upbeat hit, it goes like this:
The before and After
of the poor fella

I first said a prayer (Wished)
This is called
The very enthusiastic doctor Natalie (a.k.a Madonna) & the not so enthu doctors Valerie, Regina

2 others dividing their share, tribal Lauvin'~~ Ziqi, YiXing

Camwhoring is highly recommended =D Rebecca, Jaslyn

The happy tribal kid eating with her hand =D Valerie For starters on this class, they're not just a class, we're a tribe, a tribe of happy happy kids and for the past year plus that we've been together, they've all grew soooo much. Now, they're total opposites of what the class was like when I 1st took over. They were the quieter ones of all my 2 baby majors classes but NOW.... muaaahhahaha... Every class with them is a gorgeous mixture of FUN, PAIN and INTERLECTUAL CONVERSATIONS... Really, they've made me smarter along the way. My tribe's done superb this one year as they started off being weak and Mrs Simon had so much doubt when I said Sub-Elementary exam in one year's time but just 2 weeks ago Mrs Simon came in and said the bestest words. "Gina, they're READY!!"

This class is really starting to get out of the whole classroom dancers zone, they perform even in class, from the barre all the way to dance. This is something I am really happy about cos it meant all the training as a dancer in Lasalle is slowly paying off and showing on my grrls, bunch of good technicality and dancey grrls =)

This is just the beginning of a long long road for them in majors but it's a wonderful beginning. Well done grrls!!!

So yes, now you see why I say the BESTEST of the BESTEST Teachers' Day celebrations? Not to say the pressies I get!!
Now can you peeps tell why I'm such a happy happy teacher? Cos by not JUST GETTING THE WORK DONE, it pays off, you get grrls who appreciates you and people being proud and inspired by your results, to keep working hard with you and inspiring you in return, I've got the Bestest job in the world!! All thanks to my grrls and of course, my 2 wonderful Bosses, Mrs Simon and Miss Penny, HAPPY HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!!!

Thank you grrls for everything!!!


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