Whining session. Here goes.
I had a friend, yeap, HAD. Called Ogre and he's being a total arse by deleting not just my comments, but the whole thread everytime I comment on his status. And this has been the case since he got this girlfriend. Fuck, okay yes, he was my ex, but we broke up waaaaay, seriously waaaay long ago and have stayed friends since then. And about a year back, he got her and everytime they went through shit, Donkae and I will be there. But things got better between them and it was said that part of the deal was to not see me. OMG, imagine the draaama!!
And I have done nothing the whole bloody time. SHIT!!! Okay, haven't seen him in a million years and I realised a couple of days back that he was deleting his status, after like 10 others had commented, the moment my comment approved, there it went, straight down the chute like nothing ever happened. And wanting to test things out again this evening, just as I expected.
Feels fucked up and over that friends can behave this way. I don't mind haters if I have done them wrong or rather if they'd known me enough to hate me, FINE!! Go ahead with a SMILE on my face. But she did not know me, at all.
This's isn't even the 1st of it's case. Damn.... And people will be amazed to hear that this's the only one of the lot that's of a male counterpart. Mostly, I have female friends who'd delete contacts and give me the drama cause they've chosen to date my ex-s... How nice.. I gave them blessings and it all end up in shattered shits. People just don't understand, I broke up with that person, stayed close enough hanging out budds for a reason, cause they weren't ideal for relationship, but great pals. Fucking narrow hearted bitches. And really, if they've been my friend and nothing more for years before you happened, shouldn't that already prove something?? Fucking emotionally twisted. Thanks.